Rex Nordic

FAQ - Bestille På Nett



Bestilte varer sendes per post på hverdager. For lagerprodukter er leveringstiden vanligvis 2-5 virkedager. Fraktkostnadene avhenger av leveringsmetode, eventuelle tilleggstjenester samt bestillingens vekt og størrelse. Du ser fraktkostnaden i kassen i nettbutikken før du bekrefter bestillingen.

Dersom et produkt har blitt borte eller skadet under frakt, skal dette meldes fra til nettbutikken innen 14 døgn. Fraktselskapet skal underrettes om pakken som har blitt skadet under frakt.

Hvilket distribusjonsselskap leverer bestillinger?

Alle våre leveranser leveres av Bring. Varene blir alltid levert på døra. En leverandør vil ringe deg før distribusjon.

Hvor raskt pakker du bestillingen min?

Bestillinger mottatt før kl. 13 på hverdager sendes vanligvis samme dag. Dette gjelder produkter som umiddelbart er på lager. Hvis vi ikke klarer å levere alle produktene du har bestilt samtidig, vil vi kontakte deg for å avtale delvis levering.

Hvor raskt mottar jeg bestillingen min?

Vanligvis er leveringstidene 2-5 virkedager over hele Norge. Husk at transporttiden kan være lengre enn dette.

Hvor mye koster forsendelsen?
  • Pakke (under 32kg) 175 kr
  • Frakt (post kode <- 79) 3125 kr
  • Frakt (post kode 79 ->) 4375 kr
  • Hot tub / stk (post kode <- 79) 4375 kr
  • Hot tub / stk (post kode 79 ->) 5625 kr

Vilkår og betingelser​

TERMS AND CONDITIONS is provided by Rex Nordic As, organization number 920 879 160. Information and images on the website are owned by the company or partner and may not be copied without permission. 

Contact information

Telephone number: 4000 66 16
E-mail address:
Address: Fremo Leir, bygg 3, Langlandsvegen 410, 7234 Ler, Norway

  1. Order

To order, select the relevant products on the website and add them to the shopping cart. You send the order by paying for the products at the checkout in the online store. By placing the order, you accept these delivery conditions, product prices and shipping costs. If you provide your e-mail address in the order, we will send you an order confirmation by e-mail. The order confirmation states which products have been ordered, as well as the price.

All prices are shown in Norwegian kroner and include VAT. In the shopping basket, you see the total price including all taxes.

  1. Payment

Invoice When paying by invoice, we work with Svea Bank AB, branch in Norway. To pay by invoice, you must enter your social security number or organization number. A credit check will then be carried out. The prerequisite for paying by invoice is, among other things, that you are registered in Norway and over 18 years of age. You cannot have any payment notes. All invoices have been transferred to the property of Svea Bank AB, branch in Norway, and release payment shall only be made to Svea Bank AB, branch in Norway. The invoice’s payment terms are 14 days. In the event of late payment, a penalty charge is incurred in accordance with current rates, and late payment interest at the interest rate determined under the Act on Interest in the event of late payment. In the event of non-payment, the invoice will be handed over to debt collection.

Part payment Through our collaboration with Svea Bank AB, branch in Norway, you can enter into an account credit agreement and thus pay your purchase in part. You choose the credit period by ticking the campaign option that suits you. The purchase can always be paid in full at any time, within the due date. To pay by instalments, you must enter your social security number, a credit check will then be carried out. The prerequisite for paying the purchase in installments is, among other things, that you are registered in Norway and over 18 years of age.

You cannot have any payment notes. Example of effective interest rate for a purchase of NOK 10,000, term 12 months, 0% interest, establishment fee NOK 195, term fee NOK 45: 14.40% If you have questions, call 73 93 06 70 for more information. General terms and conditions can be found here. Standardized European information on consumer credit (SEF) can be found here.

Card Payment by card takes place in accordance with the current rules for online payment. We use Svea Bank AB’s PCI-DSS certified card payment solution. We accept the following cards: Visa, MasterCard.

The money is reserved in your account at the time of the order. Contact us PO Box 2220 Sentrum, 7412 Trondheim +47 21 54 24 00 Svea Bank AB, branch in Norway Org. no. 927 869 187 VAT Business Register All transactions are sent securely and encrypted via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). No card number is stored.

We use the latest security standard for online payments, 3D-Secure, a standard introduced by Visa and MasterCard for the purpose of identifying the cardholder when purchasing on the internet. Svea makes payment with Vipps available via our Svea Checkout. Payment is made via Vipps» own app for payment, with the payment options available there for the individual user.

3. Other information

Read through the text above and adapt the terms that apply to your online store. For more information about online shopping, refer to:

  1. Delivery

Ordered items are sent by post on weekdays. For stock products, the delivery time is usually 2-5 working days. The shipping costs depend on the delivery method, any additional services and the weight and size of the order. You will see the shipping cost at checkout in the online store before you confirm the order.

If a product has been lost or damaged during shipping, this must be reported to the online store within 14 days. The shipping company must be notified of the package that has been damaged during shipping. Read more about delivery here.

  1. Shipping costs
  • Pallet: from NOK 2,500 (incl. VAT 25%)
  • Package: from NOK 140 (incl. VAT 25%)
  1. Return

The online store’s private customers have a 14-day exchange and return right in accordance with the Consumer Purchase Act. The customer has the right to exchange or return some or all of the products in the order. The products that are returned or exchanged must be in their original packaging and in salable condition.

If you wish to return or exchange products, you must first contact the online store and ask for instructions for the return. Provide your name, contact details and account number for any refund in connection with the return.

Withdrawal of orders, fault liability and complaints

If you want to return or exchange products, you should first contact the online store and ask for return instructions. The customer is responsible for the postage costs in connection with the return. If you wish to return the product, you can contact our customer service by telephone or e-mail.

Enter your name, contact information and account number for reimbursement in connection with the return.

  1. Complaints 

The online store has a statutory fault liability for sold products. In the event of a complaint, please contact our customer service. The buyer has the right to take any disputes to the consumer dispute committee. In the event of a complaint, please contact us at

7.1 Damaged goods and right of complaint

When you receive your order, it is important to check the goods for damage or defects. Should the item be damaged or destroyed, you can contact us via  or for further instructions. You have a two-year right to complain in accordance with Norwegian law.

  1. Privacy, security and personal data 

In connection with the order, you agree to us storing and using your information. We do this to fulfill our obligations to you. We also document all communication we have with you via e-mail, in order to be able to offer the service you expect from us. We will not share your personal information with third parties.

  1. Contact & Support 

You will find contact and support  HERE