Rex Nordic


Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Cooling for Professional Use: Rex Nordic Ecocooler

Rex Nordic Ecocooler evaporative coolers are excellent choices for professional use due to their efficiency, environmental friendliness, and low operating costs. This article discusses why an evaporative cooler is a good choice for professional use and where it can be used. Operating Principle of Evaporative Coolers Evaporative coolers operate on a simple yet effective principle: […]

How Professional Evaporative Coolers Work?

Evaporative coolers are an essential part of modern cooling technology, especially in industrial and other large-space cooling applications. Their advantages include energy efficiency and environmental friendliness compared to traditional air conditioning systems. This article examines the operating principle, applications, and benefits of evaporative coolers, as well as the technical aspects to consider when using them. […]

Why Choose the Rex Nordic HP19 Portable Heat Pump Over a Traditional Heat Pump?

The Rex Nordic HP19 heat pump is an innovative solution that combines portability, efficiency, and ease of use. This heat pump offers unique advantages compared to traditional heat pumps, especially for professional use. Here’s why the Rex Nordic HP19 is an excellent choice for various situations and needs. Portability The Rex Nordic HP19 is designed […]

Targeted Cooling in Large Spaces Can Save Up to 30% in Energy

  Instead of wasting energy cooling unused areas, targeted cooling focuses specifically on zones that require it, making it a more efficient and cost-effective solution for businesses and industrial facilities. This article delves into the benefits of targeted cooling, explaining why it is the best choice for professional use in large spaces, and how it […]

Moisture and diesel infrared heaters

When heating cold spaces, the moisture tends to condensate on windows, metal structures or other structures in the heated space. From where does this moisture actually come? As a rule, air contains humidity in the form of water vapour: the hotter the air, the more humidity there is in it. Cold air cannot hold as much […]

What makes infrared heaters better than fan heaters?

There are many significant differences between an infrared heater and a traditional fan heater. For instance, instead of blowing, infrared heaters radiate heat. Infrared radiation heats materials, not air. To learn more about infrared radiation, visit, for example, Wikipedia. You can feel the heating effect of an infrared heater even outdoors in windy weather because the […]

Large space heaters and exhaust management

Not many enjoy the exhaust gases produced from burning diesel or fuel oil. A lot of people have found that the gases cause unpleasant symptoms in the respiratory system, mouth and throat, or even eyes, as the most sensitive people have reported.Exhaust management is not a problem for users of Airrex large space heaters that […]

Considering a diesel heater? Tubular fan heater or a safe infrared heater?

The energy contained in diesel or fuel oil can be used for heating by burning the oil. Simple traditional auxiliary heaters consist only of an oil burner and a fan that is used to direct the heat from the oil burner to the desired spot in the form of hot airflow. Airrex infrared heaters also include […]