Rex Nordic

The market leader

in mobile heaters and coolers


We are the biggest mobile heater supplier in Europe for professionals and we point the way to heater technology. At Rex
Nordic we believe in operational excellence, providing the best products and services for all our customers. We already
have almost 1500 retailers and we’re growing rapidly troughout Europe.


All original AIRREX spare parts are always in our warehouse.

Would you like to become a retailer?

We already have over 1400 dealers in over 20 countries in our dealer network.

Technical Articles

Large space heaters and exhaust management

Not many enjoy the exhaust gases produced from burning diesel or fuel oil. A lot of people have found that the gases cause unpleasant symptoms in the respiratory system, mouth and throat, or even eyes, as the most sensitive people...

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What makes infrared heaters better than fan heaters?

There are many significant differences between an infrared heater and a traditional fan heater. For instance, instead of blowing, infrared heaters radiate heat. Infrared radiation heats materials, not air. To learn more about infrared radiation, visit, for example, Wikipedia. You can...

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